Monday, November 13, 2017


Assalamualaikum and Hai Bloggers!

  Sangat lama tak update. Dulu selalu berangan nak selalu update blog, make myself consistent or make some time to make sure I update every single thing that happend. But yeah. Terbukti aku tak boleh jadi novelis cerita cinta sebab cepat give up untuk menulis.

By the way, right now, I am a radio announcer. Its dekat online radio. Well, I just develop the talkative side of me. But still, akan a bit awkward or shy to built a small convo.

Anyway, back to the lane. I'm writting this to share you a story. And on this entry, I will share about OKU or kurang upaya.

Kalau dalam TV kan, ramai yang jadi "baik". Maksudnya? Bila tv ada shooting or dokumentari about OKU, ramai yang akan jadi macam "pijak semut pun tak mati". Ramai yang turun padang. Aku bagi contoh paling simple. Bila ada pasangan OKU dalam tren *lets just say pasangan ni sang suami buta and sang isteri hampir buta tapi masih boleh lihat tapi kurang*. Kalau dalam tv, bila pasangan ni dalam tren, akan ada manusia yang baik hati tolong teman dorang dari turun tren sampai lah ke tapak mata pencarian mereka. Pastu, bila pasangan ni habis and manusia ni habis waktu kerja, dia dengan baik hati tolong kemaskan barang pasangan OKU tu and teman sampai pasangan tu dekat dengan tren. Wow kan? Hakikatnya, cuma 0.0001 peratus je manusia yang macam tu. Gais, lets just face the reality boleh?

Let me make this clear. I'm not saying that I'm good enough or aku ni baik sangat seolah aku buat semua benda baik tu. No! Aku mengaku, diri aku sendiri selalu nampak pasangan yang macam tu bila dalam tren. What me, myself doing? Pandang je. Tengok je. Sangat gelapkan hati?

To be honest, I am so amzed with mereka yang OKU. Why? Sebab dorang sedar orang macam aku majoriti hidup dekat bumi yang sama dorang hidup. Sebab tu dorang boleh berdikari, cari duit untuk sara hidup and try tak bebankan orang lain. Dorang sedar, bila dorang minta bantuan atau hanya harapkan ehsan orang lain, cerita hidup dorang akan dipublishkan dan di surat khabarkan. Satu cara yang mudah untuk "manusia yang baik hati" dapat nama.

Aku selalu menangis bila ternampak mereka yang kurang upaya ni. Tak kisah lah mereka tu kurang siuman ke, buta ke, orag tua-tua ke. Kenapa? Because I can't force myself to help them. I was so dumb and selfish. I realised something about them. Its because walaupun mereka ni kurang upaya but they did manage to survived in this cruel word, in this so unfair lane.

And since that, I made few promises to myself. One day, I'll be able to help them. Memang lah takda sampai boleh buat mereka jadi jutawan but at least aku boleh kurangkan sikit beban mereka kan? Goodluck Wan Nur Izzati!

Till then!

Monday, July 17, 2017


Salam and Hi blogger !

Its been so long since my last update. I'm so sorry. I was about to update before but yeah. Things just don't get right and my mood was so unstable and I was so not in the condition to update. But I'll try to frequently update okay?

As I said, many things happened lately (which is the "not okay" things). I was so nervous ( sebab bila I sakit hati, I will be that way. I just don't know why). Let me tell you one by one, slowly and neatly.

I've been crushing these one guy since long ago. Before I knew Zahir. But the crush things turns to be "love" since I and him together (just a month). And surprisingly, sampai sekarang, I can't move on. Sometimes (Liar. All the time), I kept asking myself, why did I love hime? Why did I want more attention from him? Why did I want to be with him for a long time? Why am I that stupid to feel this way? His eyes, his words, his smile. Everything.

Maybe you guys are wondering, who the hell is this guy? Well, all I can say is, he's the type of guy "Bila dia nak, dia cari. Bila dia dah jumpa lain, dia buang". But still, I keep hoping to be with him. Why? I just don't know why (Just... Don't ask me. I don't even have the answer)

Move on?  I tried and I'm so moving on with all these crap feelings. But at the time I was so not into him, he came. Just came. And go. And yeah. Repeat. For 3 years. 3 years I've been treated like this! (Im so going to cry. But I can't even cry!)

What should I do? I've done everything (like everything to make him stay with me). But I just can't. "You tempat persinggahan I while I'm looking for my love" (I was like that to him).

Talk to him? Tell the truth? I've done it guys. You wanna know the answers?
"Lets try harder". "Make me stay". "Ikat I". (WHAT??????)

I just need him to stay. Just stay. Look at me. Be with me. Know me. Treat me. Love me. Like real one. Thats it.

But I can't huh? I knew it.

But guys, you know me well. I can handle this. He's not the only guy in this world. Like, not the real one for me (I hope so). I'm just hoping that he'll think of me everythime he find his "new love". (EVERYTIME)

And the best part is, he's not even with me when I'm at my worst. SO yeah. He don't deserve my best. All the things I've done with hime, all the words I've said to him and all the love I gave him, I'm so menyesal. Real menyesal. I'll try to move on and don't worry. I will (Even kena deal dengan hati yg sangat nervous nak matey).

Till then guys!

p/s : I'll try to update selalu okay? Love ya gals!

Friday, January 27, 2017


Hi everyone!

  Its been so long. Sangat lama tak update entry dekat sini. *quite dusty here. Sorry sorry*

Okay. Aku rasa, aku dha bagithu awal awal kot dekat past entry yang aku akan SUPER busy since I was in my final year back then. Macam unbeliveable kan aku boleh survive dekat situ? Hahahah. *lepasbanyakkalideletepostdalamblogni*

Okay. Past is past. Currently, aku tengah praktikal or Im doing my trainee dekat Cheras jugak. Dekat dengan rumah and yeah. I save a lot here. So, here I am. Hahaha

Life? Life was okay even its a bit hard. Well, mana ada hidup yang tak susah kan? But, its okay. Stay in the positive vibes always. I dont give a shit. So, Im okay :)

And so far, I haven't achieved my big big big wishlist yet. Yang kecil kecil tu, alhamdullilah. I made it so far. And, it was my biggest achievement *for now*

So, yeah. Memang susah nak update blog sangat sekarang since aku busy dengan intern. Balik rumah, memang dah tak on laptop.

Itu je kot? Ohh! And I just view something like chart to see readers, and yeah. Thanks for keep waitng for my entry to be updated!

Write soon!