Assalamualaikum gals! So, we meet again in this entry. So, I'm quite lazy too write a very long mukadimah for these very short entry. Lets just be straight.
Confidence. Keyakinan diri. In my opinion based on my past experience, confidence is one of a character that you need to have inside you. Kalau takda keyakinan diri, memnag tak berjalan lah hidup kauorang, kan? Memang tak maju lah hidup kauorang and the worst part is, your life will be legitly boring!
Ada dua jenis manusia dalam skop confident ni.
Satu : Yang takda keyakinan diri.
Dua : Yang terlebih keyakinan diri.
Yang jenis pertama ni. I've been through that situation. ALWAYS. Its is freaking hard and sometimes, you will feel like "let me die". I feel that. Cause I've been through that situation before. My worst ever. Macam mana? One of the factor is, people around you. Bayangkan, bila kau nak try something new, you want to learn something new, kau dah macam "Okay. I can do this. Everyone can do this", pastu tiba tiba ada orang jerit or perli or "Ehh! Salah lah. Dah. Kau tak payah buat" without even trying. Bila kau buat jugak, diaorang akan perhatikan kau macam "aduh! lambatkan kerja lah.". And trust me, kau memang tak suka tengok muka orang macam tu. Kau akan giveup and "okay. I'm done. I'm not good at anything". That is what happening on me.
To those people who love to make others confident fade away, please stop. You're not the only one who is good at everything. Give them some space and time to fix theirself in. Kau tak mampu nak buat semua tu sorang sorang. Bila dah tak larat, kau marah orang tu as if like orang tu tak pernah ambik inisiatif langsung nak membantu. Stop being such a person. Its hard. Really. Just imagine if you in their shoes. Imagine if thats the only thing that they like and they believe they can do.
And for those who are about to lose their confident, get up! You're not getting any benefits on it. Biar lah kita gemuk, pendek, tak cantik, gigi berterabur, banyak bulu roma etc, just be yourself. Try to make a change. Try to prove that you can. Be much better than them. Pedulikan apa yang orang nak cakap. Its all about you. Yourself. Trust yourself. Have faith on it.
Faham? Aku pernah rasa semua tu and I'm not saying that my confident level are good now. No! Aku still belajar percayakan diri sendir. I tried everything! Just, keep trying. Never scared of falling down and never get tired to get up again and again.
Till then.